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Lack of Growth in Drones

Drone Growth

The Ratio of women in the drone industry, as well as the aerospace industry, is amazingly low according to important research, published in 2017 that showed that the percentage of women drone pilots was at 4% and in October 2018 it became 5%. That is very shocking. As per WAI (Women in Aviation International) report, only 6% of women are licensed airplane pilots.

According to new research, a survey was conducted in the summer of 2021, and 75% of respondents felt moderate to the highest concern about the shortage of equity, lack of diversity in the drone industry and 80% said about the lack of range of diversity, equity and inclusion in drone business and 81%of respondents said moderate to extreme concern in raising DEI in their organizations.

In short, there is a majority of people who believe that the drone industry is facing a lack of diversity and that is the biggest issue that needs to be fixed soon to boost the drone industry. As we see in the most recent research data released in March 2021 by the organization Federal Aviation Administration Aeronautical Center Data, 6.7% of the 160302 remote pilots registered by the FAA are females which is the worst figure. 

When we observe user data which was released in March 2021, it is estimated that 5% of the Skydio2 Drone has been bought by women and in contrast, 5% of Skydio 2 drones have been purchased by men.

Major Reasons or Challenges About Lack of Diversity in the Drone Industry:

We would like to highlight some most important challenges and the biggest reasons why there is a lack of diversity in the drone industry, what are the solutions for that, and how we can overcome such obstacles to run and give a boost to this incredible drone industry. Let’s express.

Challenge: Endurance In Drone Field:

As we know, bricks size batteries are used to operate various types of drones to fulfill our aim that is very heavy and get used in a short time. When we talk about gasoline engines, these are emitted exhaust and are very noisy too.


Solution of Endurance:

The best solution to this obstacle is the usage of hydrogen fuel cells. With the help of hydrogen fuel cells, drones could fly more than three times longer than brick size batteries. They can be operated silently without creating any noise, with no emit problem but yes, water and such fuel cells can be refueled very quickly.

Challenge: Traffic Problems and Problems Detection

This is another major concern the drone industry has to face. Any drone needs to take care of itself, and there are no human eyes to help the drone. Experts are willing to overcome this challenge as soon as possible to increase diversity in this field.

Solution is IntuVue RDR-84 Radar

Radar is the sensor that guides the drone throughout air traffic and obstacles, it identifies the safest landing zone area, maps terrain, and can also find out its altitude even in not good weather. Such a radar sensor works for three kilometers and watches multiple things together.

Challenge: Navigation in Drone Industry

At the time of flying a drone flight, when GPS signals are not there to work, then you must select a different way to find and follow your position.

The solutions of The Inertial Measurement Units

This Inertial measurement unit is just like a tiny powerhouse that uses an array of electronics, and you can say that you have all packaged on computer chips— to provide précis information. This tinny unit helps in showing the right direction and speed of drones.

Challenge: Communication

Lack of communication in the drone industry is the biggest challenge that drone pilots have to face in drone industry diversification. You need to be properly connected from all the way of the world to keep active and energetic and present a sense of mind.

The solution is The SATCOM

SATCOM is the short name for satellite communication service. Small UAV Sat com helps in viewing streaming live HD videos from the drone cameras, and it can also download other related collected data.

Challenge: Very Low Profit and Revenue

Specifically, in this industry if a diverse workforce is present or not, there is no such profit drone pilots or the industry is getting. It is well known saying that The more diverse teams, the more profit you get. Only 5% of overall drone industries are operated by women, and they contribute 7% of profit to the same company. According to a McKinsey report released in 2015, in which 366 US and UK-based companies showed that there is correlation with high diversity leads to high profits.

Challenge: Insufficient Hiring Of Employees

A diverse workforce is more appealing to increase employment opportunities. There is a lack of drone users, experts and experienced drone pilots. They must have great knowledge about this industry. Women and drones are the names of the survey— which is held between 6 of August 2021 and 17 of September 2021 by— P3 Tech 2021 UAS/AAM Industry DEI. Just download a complete summary report of (DDNC) The Diversity of Development Network of Canada…here.

In this survey, we got people from the following mentioned populations:

  • Black or African
  • Asian
  • Native American or Alaska Native
  • Latino, Hispanic and Spanish Origin
  • Disabled
  • Native Hawaiian or Some other Pacific Islander
  • Female Gender

In this survey, researchers found that more than 1000 users responded to surveys working in UAS (Unscrewed Aircraft system), AAM (Advanced Air Mobility businesses, and different sectors throughout the US. The diversity in almost all companies is good but especially in the drone industry diversification is great for present and prospects.

Final words in Conclusion

We need intelligent and brightest contributors to increase drone industry growth, but women are also empowering industries and bring high qualifications and unique perspectives well especially in the drone industry. 

Encouraging diversity in any industry helps and promotes the expansion of industry benefits with everyone’s interest and involvement. When an industry is gathered of people having various viewpoints, different experiences, and backgrounds, then everybody is better off for it and wins with diversity in the drone industry.